We were honored to present this year’s National Ceca Award, in cooperation with the Ceca Foundation, to Focus caregiver Ashley Crawley.

Ashley is a mentor at Focus and trains new caregivers on how to get and give the best care experience for all involved. Her goal is for caregivers to perform their work to the highest standards and end each day with a sense of satisfaction, knowing they’ve made a difference.

The surprise awards ceremony was held on February 28th at Corbin Mill in Liberty, MO. The president of the Ceca Foundation flew into town to present a trophy, check, and his personal congratulations for her meaningful work. Ashely’s family, as well as many colleagues within the elder care industry, also came to show their appreciation for her contributions.

Ashley never hesitates to recognize jobs well done or express appreciation for a peer or management, frequently praising others while oftentimes minimizing her own hard work.

Ashley is always emitting the most positive vibes, and is literally a ray of sunshine when she enters a room, no matter what may be going on in her own life. On more than one occasion Ashley offered to walk to work in subzero temperatures when she had vehicle issues as she did not want clients to go without care.

She is frequently praised not only by her clients and family members but also by trainees and peers alike.

We are so proud to have top-notch caregivers like Ashley on our team. To ready more about Ashley, her nomination, and the Ceca Award ceremony, you can read the Excelsior Springs Standard’s article (if you are a subscriber).

About Focus Stories

Our Focused Stories series centers on the positive impacts that in-home care with Focus HealthCare Solutions has had on our clients, their families, and our own caregivers. We hope these stories will help those who are uncertain about in-home health care get a better understanding of what the experience has been like for others and encourage folks to reach out to get the help they need — whether it is with Focus HealthCare Solutions or another resource.

Have a story to tell about your experience with Focus? We’d love to hear it!

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